Filipino Web3 Builders, Rejoice! Introducing the Web3 Builder's List!

Filipino Web3 Builders, Rejoice! Introducing the Web3 Builder's List!
Web3 Builder's list

Calling all Filipino web3 builders, dreamers, and innovators! We at Web3 Philippines are excited to announce the launch of the Web3 Builder's List, a curated one-stop shop for all your web3 development needs.

Imagine having a trusty toolbox filled with the perfect tools for every project, from finding local projects to exploring video tutorials and discovering powerful libraries. That's what the Web3 Builder's List offers – a treasure chest of resources to empower your web3 journey!

But why do you need this list?

Here are just a few reasons why this list is going to be your new best friend:

One-Stop Destination for All Your Needs

Forget scouring the internet for hours. The Web3 Builder's List brings together everything you need in one easily accessible place. From hand-picked tools and tutorials to community-driven projects and similar resources, it's your go-to guide for navigating the Web3 landscape.

By Filipinos, for Filipinos

Developed by the passionate Web3 Philippines community, this list understands the unique needs and challenges faced by Filipino builders. You'll find resources tailored to your cultural context, making your learning journey smoother and more efficient.

Open Source and Community-Driven

The beauty of the Web3 Builder's List lies in its collaborative nature. It's constantly evolving and growing thanks to the contributions of the entire Web3 Philippines community. You can even suggest new resources, share your own projects, and help shape the future of this valuable tool.

Curated with Quality in Mind

Not everything on the internet is created equal. The Web3 Builder's List features a carefully selected collection of high-quality resources, ensuring you get the most valuable information and tools to move your projects forward.

Empowering the Filipino Web3 Ecosystem

By providing a comprehensive resource hub, we aim to empower Filipino Web3 builders to contribute meaningfully to the global Web3 landscape. The list serves as a launchpad for innovation, collaboration, and growth, ultimately benefiting the entire Filipino Web3 community.

What's Inside the List?

The Web3 Builder's List is packed with awesome resources, including:

  • Web3 Philippines Projects: Get involved with open-source projects like the official Web3 Philippines Directory and Matuto, a browser extension glossary for web3 terms.
  • Tools: Discover tools to streamline your development workflow, from IPFS and Arweave support extensions to the powerful thirdweb platform.
  • Tutorials: Learn from the best with tutorials covering everything from Solidity development to building full-fledged Web3 applications.

Ready to Start Building?

Head over to the Web3 Builder's List on GitHub and start exploring the amazing resources waiting for you. Remember, this is just the beginning! We encourage you to contribute, suggest new resources, and help us build the ultimate resource guide for Filipino web3 builders.

GitHub - Web3Philippines/web3-builders-list: A curated list of Web3 resources, libraries, tools and more for builders. 📃💜💙
A curated list of Web3 resources, libraries, tools and more for builders. 📃💜💙 - Web3Philippines/web3-builders-list

Together, let's unlock the full potential of web3 in the Philippines and build a brighter, more decentralized future!

Web3 Philippines

Web3 Philippines

Serving the world with Web3 innovation by building a Web3 Empowered Philippines through community, education, and technology.